Big Night:
Rise of the Frogs & Salamanders

Danielle Tetreau
Project Scientist with Stantec Consulting in Topsham

Wednesday, March11, 2015, 7:00pm
Curtis Memorial Library, Brunswick

Friends of Merrymeeting Bay (FOMB) continues its 18th annual Winter Speaker Series with Big Night: Rise of the Frogs & Salamanders featuring wildlife biologist Danielle Tetreau on Wednesday, March 11th, 7:00pm at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick. The event is free and open to the public.

Spring rains not only bring flowers but also trigger the annual event known as “Big Night” when, under cover of darkness; amphibians leave their subterranean boroughs and winter forest habitat for seasonal wetlands in search of breeding partners. This presentation provides a natural history overview of the event and species involved, including species identification and environmental cues triggering the over-land migrations. Tips and information will be shared on how people can independently observe or become involved with state-organized citizen science efforts to locally monitor Big Night. A brief overview of current state regulations protecting seasonal wetland breeding habitat, known as vernal pools, will also be presented. 

Danielle Tetreau is a wetlands scientist and biologist who graduated from Unity College. She has performed rare plant surveys, invasive plant removal and monitoring, and botanical inventories for the New England Wildflower Society and monitored loon nesting activity for USFWS. Currently Danielle is a Project Scientist with Stantec Consulting in Topsham where she leads large-scale natural resource surveys associated with wind power, transmission and pipeline development; then organizing the large amounts of field survey data for state and federal permitting purposes.

FOMB hosts monthly lectures, film screenings, and other events around the Merrymeeting Bay area through May 2015 as part of our Winter Speaker Series. They are always free and open to the public and supported by Patagonia, Inc. in Freeport. All events take place on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick unless noted. Next month’s presentation (April 8th) Sea Run Alewife Restoratio, features Frank Richards of the Webber Pond Association.

Visit to see the full Speaker Series schedule, become a member, and learn more about how you can help protect beautiful Merrymeeting Bay.

Call Kathleen McGee, 666-3598


Watercolors by
Sarah Stapler